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QUIZ: Top Cricket World Cup Run-Scorers by Country

We're back on cricket for today's quiz and the aim is to name some of the best batsmen the Cricket World Cup has ever seen.

We're asking you to name the top 10 run-scorers for Australia, England, India, New Zealand, South Africa and the West Indies at Cricket World Cups. That means there is of course 60 names on the list and you have 15 minutes to get as many as you can.

As always, let us know in the comments how many you managed but please try and avoid spoilers! Similarly, if you haven't yet joined the gang on Twitter and/or Facebook who have been posting screenshots of their results then feel free to get involved - our social media pages are a great place to maintain the bru community while we wait for tournaments to resume.

To help you out, the years in which each answer scored their runs has been given as well as their total number of CWC runs scored. Best of luck!

Instructions: After clicking 'Play' simply type the name of a player that you think is on the list. If correct, the answer will automatically enter the list once you've typed the name. If the answer is incorrect, nothing will happen and you'll need to erase what you've written and try again.

Only surnames are required.

Got a quiz idea? Feel free to leave it in the comments and we can put one together for everyone to enjoy!
41,143 caps
41 out of 60 not bad I think
22 May 14:45
90,027 caps
33 crap!
22 May 16:06
162 caps
57 Not bad
22 May 23:19
29,359 caps
57, 2 Englishmen and 1 Kiwi
27 May 11:30
2,298 caps
11 Jun 06:58