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QUIZ: Players with 25+ International Tries

Since plenty of you seemed to enjoy yesterday's quiz in the 'pick' format, here's another! Today's (rather difficult) task is to pick out the rugby players who have scored at least 25 international tries.

Once you click play, a minefield of 30 names will appear. HALF of them (15) have scored 25+ tries and it's those names you need to click on.

Though I'll admit this is still very tough since as soon as you click on a name that is incorrect you'll have to restart - I've tried to make things slightly easier by ensuring that all of the 'decoy' names on this list (the incorrect answers) have actually scored no more than 20 tries meaning there is a slight gap.

Let us know in the comments how many attempts it took you to complete this! I'll be quite impressed by anyone who can do it in around 3 attempts let alone first time.

Similarly, if you haven't yet joined the gang on Twitter and/or Facebook who have been posting screenshots of their results then feel free to get involved - our social media pages are a great place to maintain the bru community while we wait for tournaments to resume.

Instructions: After clicking 'Play' simply click on the names that HAVE scored at least 25 international tries.

The quiz will end as soon as you click on an incorrect answer. The goal is to finish the quiz in the fewest attempts possible. To try again if unsuccessful, refresh this page.

Got a quiz idea? Feel free to leave it in the comments and we can put one together for everyone to enjoy!

32,169 caps
My best is 12 of 15 but is after quite few attempts
28 Mar 11:33
11,187 caps
12/15. Then I had to redo the quiz nearly 20 times to get 15/15....haha
28 Mar 12:15
26,267 caps
11/15 after 4 atempts
28 Mar 12:30
84,236 caps
Poor poor poor. Only got it after probably 10 attempts
28 Mar 13:38
81,091 caps
14/15. Tried 4 times after that but can't get the last player
28 Mar 13:47
44,410 caps
Started with 10 straight, but I knew who the 15 were NOT before I got the 15 who were :)
28 Mar 13:48
84,358 caps
Got there eventually after 5 tries (not 25:)!
28 Mar 16:16
81,091 caps
got it all on the 6th attempt after getting 14 on 1st attempt
28 Mar 19:04