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QUIZ: Pick the Champions League winners

22 teams in European football history have lifted the Champions League or European Cup as it used to be known as, but can you pick them all out from a list of teams that also contains those who have come closest without quite managing to win Europe's top football prize?

We're giving you 8 minutes to find the 22 teams whilst avoiding the 15 I have added as 'decoy' incorrect answers.

BE AWARE that as soon as you click on a team that is incorrect (a team that has never won the European Cup), the quiz is over. Therefore, rather than racing against time in this one, we want to see who can complete the quiz in the fewest attempts.

Let us know in the comments how many attempts it took you to complete this!

Similarly, if you haven't yet joined the gang on Twitter and/or Facebook who have been posting screenshots of their results then feel free to get involved - our social media pages are a great place to maintain the bru community while we wait for tournaments to resume.

Instructions: After clicking 'Play' simply click on the teams that HAVE won the UEFA Champions League or European Cup.

The quiz will end as soon as you click on an incorrect answer. The goal is to finish the quiz in the fewest attempts possible. To try again if unsuccessful, refresh this page.

Got a quiz idea? Feel free to leave it in the comments and we can put one together for everyone to enjoy!
41,143 caps
Done it had about 16 first go then hard to work out the rest a few gos
30 Mar 10:10
90,030 caps
18/22 Happy with that!
30 Mar 10:10
81,078 caps
20/ 22 Not too shabby.
30 Mar 10:24
81,745 caps
21,SETTLE FOR THAT 30 Mar 11:56
26,259 caps
21/22 after 2nd attempt.
30 Mar 12:15
66,078 caps
At last one of my favourite subjects 22 1 min 20
30 Mar 19:18
22,604 caps
Got 21/22 on first go and then the full 22 on second in 39 seconds
1 Apr 18:56
84,223 caps
Poorly 16
6 Apr 17:24