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Rugby World Cup 2023: Final Predictions

The Rugby World Cup has reached the final weekend, with the two biggest rugby nations set to clash in the final on Saturday night, after England and Argentina have battled it out for Bronze on Friday.

Before I share my picks, I just want to address some of the ‘comments’ on my article last week. I wrote that anyone picking England is doing so out of hope, given that all the evidence pointed to a Springbok win. Picking England on that basis seemed to spark a barrage of abusive comments, several people telling me how awful I am at predictions, calling me a fool and even a bellend with most people clearly expecting an easy South African win.

Regardless of what actually happened in the game, a community that tolerates that behaviour is not one that I want to preside over. Over a long period of time, myself, The General, Jack and all other Superbru staff have worked hard to try and maintain a platform that is more friendly and welcoming than many other platforms for such discussions such as social media, so please consider this a warning - such lack of respect, humility and perspective will not be tolerated.

When you disagree with what I or others in the comments may have written, as I suspect may be the case again this week, consider adding to the discussion with the reasoning behind your own predictions rather than simply throwing insults around. Adding a little extra fun and debate to the sports we all love is what we’re all here for, after all.

Here are my Rugby World Cup Finals predictions.

Argentina v England

This is not the main event of the weekend, but both teams have spoken of their motivation to win the game. Several players will feature for their countries for the last time ever, and they’ll obviously want to go out on a high.

I actually think the Pumas might win it. England redeemed themselves last weekend by showing some pride in the jersey, and whatever happens this weekend, they’ll go home happy that they gave everything when it mattered and came so close to making the final. The Pumas, however, will be smarting after their thrashing by New Zealand last weekend, and they are still in need of redemption. They have a last chance on Friday before Michael Cheika leaves, and there will be an inevitable refresh of the squad, and that motivation might be enough.

For all of England’s ferocity last weekend, they didn’t actually play any rugby and I’m not too sure what we’ll see when the shackles are off. If anything, they might panic in the freedom. Argentina by 4

South Africa v New Zealand

This looks set to be a very close-fought match between the two world rugby heavyweights, and by Saturday night they will have won the last 5 World Cups between them.

It also looks set to be a clash of styles, with South Africa opting for 7 forwards on the bench and clearly planning a bruising, physical encounter with the ability to change nearly their whole pack in the second half. New Zealand will look to play with speed and width, and they might follow England’s lead in targeting the Springbok wingers with high kicks.

It’s a 50/50 pick, but a concern for South Africa is their shorter turnaround since the semi-final, as well as the harder route they have taken in the last fortnight, overcoming France and England each by a single point. The All Blacks thrashed Argentina in a training run and will enjoy an extra day to prepare for the final. Will that be the difference between two evenly-matched sides? New Zealand by 3

How do your thoughts on the final compare? Let us know how you see it playing out in the comments!

414 caps
Hutch I completely agree with you that insults should not be tolerated. It’s a sport and fun at the end of the day. I have done terrible in my predictions this World Cup and even lost a few bob. I don’t agree with your last punt. Bokke 😀. But I am biased!
27 Oct 09:15
4,293 caps
Totally agree with Feriszen. Insults cannot be tolerated - the General and his team are a great bunch of guys and do a stirling job of running the whole Superbru scenario - keep it up, guys! 27 Oct 09:36
14,328 caps
Agree 100%. Superbru should find a way of banning these morons from playing.
27 Oct 09:30
2,094 caps
👍🏻 28 Oct 00:30
6,094 caps
I am new o the comments on this page, but iIhave been guided by much of what Hutch has said, albeit he has been a little off on the predictions in some cases. I am for Argentina this round and for sure for the Bokka, which will be a very tight game and point difference! See you all next year again!! :-)
27 Oct 09:34
905 caps
Hutch please don\'t take the negative comments too seriously. Following rugby can be tribal verging on feral at times but I prefer to think it\'s just misplaced passion.
I am really struggling picking the Argie Poms game but feeling quietly confident of a good ABs redemption win following the half assed pre world cup effort at Twickendon. Maybe native cunning of Cheika to give Argentina a narrow win and the ABs by 9
27 Oct 09:48
59 caps
Thanks Hutch and team.....it's been great 👍
27 Oct 09:49
39,712 caps
Hey Hutch, sorry that you had to be insulted like that by people who don't have respect for you. I love your comments and predictions and agree that those insults don't belong here on SuperBru !! Thanks for all you guys are doing so we can enjoy SuperBru :-)
27 Oct 09:55
25,024 caps
Hutch i think its going to be England,as much as i dont think they have the best team,Argentina have been running hot and cold.Bokke for the win,got to go with my heart on this one.For those okes who want to throw insults at Hutch i say get off Superbru and good riddance
27 Oct 10:15
7,636 caps
Thanks alot for your predictions.....! Go Bokke!
27 Oct 10:50
45,210 caps
Tom Curry Kant is a real pissant who is very rarely stable. It does surprise me that a man who can keep his emotions in check while being battered from pillar to post for 80 minutes, was overwhelmed by a (perhaps misunderstood) verbal sledge.

Of course, this forum is not a rugby field. It should be easy for us to keep sledges, sleights, sarcasm and vitriol out of our vocabulary. I am particularly emotional when it comes to the Boks, but I enjoy reading news and opinions from our foes mother countries, even when they are extremely biased. In the comments sections, I express my disagreement, with my reasoning. In return, I usually receive logical responses. Sometimes I even change my mind…
27 Oct 11:12
7,842 caps
Totally agree this is for enjoyment not for abuse.
27 Oct 11:13
16,211 caps
Hutch, you and your team are great!! Love your predictions and comments, even if I don't always agree. Keep it up....we ( most of us) love it!!!
27 Oct 13:07
69,166 caps
Well said Hutch. 100% support to you and the team as always. Great platform to enjoy all types of sport which has evolved magnificently over the years, under the management of the team.
27 Oct 13:18
73,732 caps
Agree with Argentina and New Zealand wins, bok's 7 1 bench going to cost them. Biggest joke Willie cant catch a cold as the only back, no i don't see it. Pumas by 9 and NZ by 13.
27 Oct 13:38
28,775 caps
we will see at the end, of 80th minute, no matter what happened, South Africa, had a tough group ,compare too Nz , and had wonderful Rugby World Cup ,im proud Springboks, i will not say Nz win ,only if i were Nz supporter i would say Nz too win ,but im not 28 Oct 10:22
282 caps
@James - Lol - how you feel now?
30 Oct 08:12
741 caps
Thanx Hutch as a bok supporter I picked up some really not so classy comments that were neither funny or constructive. Almost ate humble pie. Always those supporters of every side that takes it way too far. This should be fun not abusive
27 Oct 13:42
5,816 caps
I agree with Hutch with his predictions. The final will be won by less than a converted try - although, I don't think that there will be many tries scored. I think both teams will opt for kicking at posts if the penalty is within range. I was so shocked when I saw some of the abusive comments towards Hutch. Guys, keep your negative comments to yourselves please. As for the final tomorrow night, although as much as I would like SA to retain the trophy, I don't see that happening especially if we play as badly as we did last week. Honestly, we didn't deserve to win last week. England should actually be playing in the final against the All Blacks - not the Springboks.
27 Oct 13:47
127 caps
I was raised by the colours of green and gold so I'm a bit biased,but I think the Boks might be able to pull through a closr win against AB...there fore I say Boks by 3 but it's going to be a clash of titans
27 Oct 14:36
48 caps
50/50, what ever happens, we will be super proud of the Boks given the last 5 years. KUDOS GALORE. 27 Oct 14:56
144 caps
Jou ma
27 Oct 17:43
144 caps
Ja stem saam
27 Oct 17:44
151 caps
We don't need the haters. I love the game, but it is only Rugby 🏉. Banter is good, abusers can "**** off". Anyway... ABs by 10 at least.
27 Oct 19:47
92,748 caps
Guess who is the front runners in throwing around abuse towards others,,,,,,,bok fans,,,,,,that's what they do,that's who they are,it's nothing new.In any case,thanks for your and the teams input throughout the wc Hutch,been great.
28 Oct 04:08
45,210 caps
Like 60% of brus, I am a staunch Bok fan. Yet neither I, nor 99.999% of the Bok fans, have “thrown around abuse towards others”. This proves that your claim “that’s what they do” is entirely incorrect.

The fact that your comment “throws around abuse” at the majority of readers of this article, is hypocrisy personified. Very disappointing. You do yourself and all the AB fans here a disservice. 28 Oct 04:20
92,748 caps
The truth hurts,doesn't it 28 Oct 15:14
45,210 caps
You should know. 29 Oct 07:14
9,728 caps
129 caps
Hutch and Team ....keep up the good work we very much appreciate it. 🏉💥🏏⚽ 💯
28 Oct 04:26
well that is a good insight you just presented and as much as i must admit that the all blacks seem to be on a roll so far, If you look closely enough there more than enough evidence to show that the bokkies might retain it.
28 Oct 07:19
4,653 caps
Hi Hutch, I think that a marjory of human beings are very aggressive and things need to change. But above all that let's keep it to sport and thank you for all your information and I'm going books by 2.
28 Oct 10:00
4,653 caps
Meant boks
28 Oct 10:01
28,775 caps
CLearly the world, doesn't want Boks too ,take cup home , Go BOkke all the way , even we lose this game ,tonight ;) ,see you in 2027 ,i f we don't win 28 Oct 10:28
135 caps
I am just sad it all ends today as I really enjoyed this Superbru segment. It made me actually watch all the games. My prediction for tomorrow is NZ by 15. 🖤
28 Oct 10:29
12,520 caps
Hutch sorry that you had to be insultedby people who don't have respect for you. Go Bokke.
28 Oct 10:30
45 caps
28 Oct 14:07
16,583 caps
The closer you get to the final the finer the margins and this can be seen by the wining margins by the Boks who had the tougher route to the final. The influences from the crowd, home ground advantage, weather, ref, bounce of the ball can all mean the difference between winning or losing. The Boks have come through all, and with the experience and expected wet conditions, must revert to their traditional strength. The win should not be more than two points and even a draw at full time. I was at the 1995 final and had 9-9 in our suite pool. I predict a similar game tonight and because I'm a Bok supporter I call the Boks by three, but then it could be the AB's by three after extra time.
28 Oct 14:08
66 caps
Hutch and all the Superbru team, keep up the good work!, I love this app and especially your predictions. I don’t always agree but great that you do it. Great that you are willing to stick your neck out. I have changed my pick for the final three times already…
28 Oct 16:15
49,574 caps
I guess it's what happens when I lot of new users come in - I didn't read the comments, but it's most unlike what normally happens on Superbru. Sad really.
28 Oct 16:51
48 caps
28 Oct 19:38
28,775 caps
Well done on Springboks ,too be crowned World Champions 2023 , i think ,there were 4 or 5 ,abusive comments , sorry , you get evil people Hutch , credit for All Blacks . 28 Oct 22:00
720 caps
Insults agree ban them
28 Oct 22:04
300 caps
Well done Bokke!!! It was an awesome World Cup throughout 👏 Every aspect, every game, every point...well done to the organizers and the hosts France. Looking forward to the next WC in Australia.
28 Oct 22:37
1,039 cap
Awesome allblacks you made us very proud thankyou
28 Oct 22:43
1,782 cap
Bokke only defeat v 🇮🇪
29 Oct 01:23
96 caps
Springboks 4X Rugby World Cup winners
We beat France 🇫🇷 with a point.
We beat England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 with a point.
We beat NZ 🇦🇺 also with a point....
Just to prove a point 🇿🇦
29 Oct 02:48
28,775 caps
Too those people ,living in South Africa and born here, who support New Zealanders , i think you must pick other side, or ,you sitll living in past 29 Oct 06:58
9,728 caps
4 Is the magic number!!
29 Oct 07:35
1,782 cap
Wayne Barnes world cup champions 2023
29 Oct 09:59
33,850 caps

I too never read the let's just say 'Uncool' comments. But as Hennessy pointed out these are often by recent joiners with few caps. This happens with the biggest contests like World Cups. They pass thru, like a painful kidney stone out our collective todger.

By & large I've always been impressed by lack of idiot & plain nasty comments on here in the last 12 years. Think this is down to SB management finding the right balance of freedom with little need for censorship. I think regular readers and contributors understand the laid back but informative tone on these news updates and opinions.

But then we get these 'Vandals' dive in with their 'Beered up bravado' inanities. Typing deliberately incendiary words. Stuff they would only say to you in person from the safety of their rapidly ascending helicopter (OK, he'd have to YELL!)

That's my test. I try not to write stuff I wouldn't say in person. However, we aren't 'in person'. Sometimes a jok
29 Oct 21:04
6,203 caps
Couldn\'t agree more. Too many newbies that wants to have a say and done actually understand the game. They think they talking too there mates in the pub. 30 Oct 00:18
7,865 caps
Hi all, congratulations to Southeaster for winning the World trophy and thanks you for playing, see you all in 4 years
30 Oct 15:39
16,583 caps
7 Nov 06:51
1,503 cap
South Africa by 1...
25 Nov 15:29