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Pool Rank Score
007 South African twist 396 77.16

Pool v Pool Leaderboard: Top 100

Rank Pool Captain No. players Cumulative Average
1  - Round down the clock   Paddy 5 96.53
2  - The Ospreylia Gang   Lewtastic 5 95.10
3  - The Pool   Duane 6 94.50
4  - French Rugby Lovers du Sud Oue   Froggy 9 93.50
5  - Red rose rugby   Coach 9 93.11
6  - Tough at the Top   PeterD 6 92.67
7  - SuperHQ   The General 7 92.64
8  - Super Legends20 pro 14   Henk 5 92.50
9  - Stellaland PRO 14   Die Nutsman 6 92.17
10  - 4TOP200/2%-Pool 36 of 49-Max38   Jersey-puller 81 91.94
11  - The Principality (Wales) Fans   Go WALES!! 21 91.81
12  - PRO14 Prediction   Ivan 7 91.71
13  - Rugger Bugger   Cali 9 91.67
14  - Experts   Rowlee Role 18 91.61
15  - Irish Sefrikens   Andy M 9 91.61
16  - All-Star Strugglers CDXXXVII   Barty II 20 91.43
17  - The Dog's-SA replaces UK in EU   Jersey-puller 43 91.20
18  - Rugby Fanatics Pro 14   Yolande 10 91.10
19  - Tanicath Select30 Pool   ElectricFenceDbn 18 91.08
20  - Peppermints   Cheetah(Gotsie) 10 90.84
21  - Bra   Storm 16 90.78
22  - Excellent Kangaroos   - 22 90.76
23  - Timewasters   Gavred 5 90.70
24  - Gatlanders   Snorman 10 90.50
25  - Naweek Lyfie   Gordons'Baai 17 90.47
26  - Sharks Sports Masters League   James 28 90.45
27  - Dylan's Edinburgh Rugby   Dylan65 23 90.26
28  - My Pool   Andrew 8 90.13
29  - Unilever Old Boys   Last Outpost 10 90.10
30  - fgrieve   jimf 5 90.00
31  - SKONKIES Yellow Cap Prize Pool   Rudolph Skonkie 15 89.97
32  - Noddy's Numpties 2021   noddy_golf 6 89.92
33  - VLAKTE & AMIGO's   Vlakte 16 89.87
34  - Tzoei   Flo 9 89.83
35  - No Nonsense Rugby   Scorpio 11 89.82
36  - InItForTheLuck   Cappy (Michu) 17 89.76
37  - Treadrite Pro14   Bald Brumbie 9 89.67
38  - Kon Tiki Goes Celtic   Cugmeister 42 89.64
39  - The Vine Ones   Papsak 11 89.64
40  - Monumental Hyenas   - 20 89.63
41  - Tigers Unoffy   Yorkie 23 89.57
42  - Hollybush Celts   The lips83 5 89.50
43  - Effervescent Herrings   - 22 89.45
44  - Brilliant Champs   - 19 89.45
45  - Thistle Duckers Pro 14   Skinhead 5 89.40
46  - Go Pro Cheetahs   Snoopy 8 89.38
47  - Plodders Pro 14 Rugby 2020-21   caplegal 106 89.29
48  - The Replacements PRO14   Jakster 14 89.25
49  - Ahafo Dop & Tjops   Juan 15 89.17
50  - FTAS Pro14 (20-21)   POM 11 89.09
51  - Celtic Comrades (mostly!)   trees 6 89.08
52  - Carefree Meerkats   - 17 89.06
53  - Passionate Leopards   - 19 88.95
54  - Celtic Warriors Plus   The Fatboy 18 88.94
55  - Ospreylia   stu 34 88.94
56  - Leinster lads and lasses   LeinsterAl 5 88.90
57  - CAT LOVERS   MOJO 33 88.89
58  - 4 Fun   Vaalpens 14 88.89
59  - Mega Turbos   - 21 88.79
60  - Roadblock's Sports Club   Roadblock 46 88.78
61  - Village Idiots!   James 10 88.70
62  - Sportmal   RG Brado 26 88.60
63  - The Darkside   JT & Sons 46 88.59
64  - Pro 14 in 20   Supra 12 88.50
65  - MGM PRO 14   GUZZY 13 88.50
66  - Queens Radiator Clinic   Great White 15 88.37
67  - DC universe   BATMAN 6 88.33
68  - Guess what's back :-)   ClassyRelic52 5 88.30
69  - Elite Provinces   JT 53 88.25
70  - Thrown In The Deep End   Phoenix Rising 36 88.18
71  - Bar flies United   dugardy 7 88.14
72  - Looks at the Scoreboard   Anton 35 88.12
73  - Brilliant Cobras   - 21 88.07
74  - The ABC   Michel de Nostredame 5 88.00
75  - Social Sports Club   Jaco 16 87.91
76  - Planete Rugby   Waylander 31 87.89
77  - Afrika Sonsak   Slicemenice 54 87.87
78  - Bobbies   Snorman 20 87.85
79  - Barney's Pro14   Barney 108 87.83
80  - Informa   KC66 5 87.80
-  - Sports Lovers Club   johnny 10 87.80
82  - Sundowners Pro14 rugby   Jaime 7 87.79
83  - Players on the Bench   Cellarman 48 87.69
84  - Mclean Spar Pro 14   King Slayer 7 87.69
85  - COOLPOOL   OB!!..(O Bliksem!!) 57 87.68
86  - Clueless PRO14   JT & Sons 10 87.65
87  - Dewie se club   Dewie 37 87.65
88  - DRC Top 14   Leon 20 87.63
89  - White Line Fever   JJSE Warriors 34 87.62
90  - Wolf's Choice   - 33 87.59
91  - Uncle Jumbo's   Jumbo 35 87.53
92  - Keen Sardines   - 19 87.47
93  - Flems   Flem 17 87.47
94  - Sheepish About PRO14   Rurray 58 87.42
95  - Knows his picks   BrianW 6 87.42
96  - Tussen 13 en 15 Pro's   Brutus 9 87.39
97  - The Raven   bossu 39 87.27
98  - Heimat Pro14   Grumpy Old Man 31 87.16
99  - Pyp our Hero   rugbymad 16 87.03
100  - MMWC   - 28 86.98
Rank Pool Cum. Avg.
1  - Round down the clock 96.53
2  - The Ospreylia Gang 95.10
3  - The Pool 94.50
4  - French Rugby Lovers du Sud Oue 93.50
5  - Red rose rugby 93.11
6  - Tough at the Top 92.67
7  - SuperHQ 92.64
8  - Super Legends20 pro 14 92.50
9  - Stellaland PRO 14 92.17
10  - 4TOP200/2%-Pool 36 of 49-Max38 91.94
11  - The Principality (Wales) Fans 91.81
12  - PRO14 Prediction 91.71
13  - Rugger Bugger 91.67
14  - Experts 91.61
15  - Irish Sefrikens 91.61
16  - All-Star Strugglers CDXXXVII 91.43
17  - The Dog's-SA replaces UK in EU 91.20
18  - Rugby Fanatics Pro 14 91.10
19  - Tanicath Select30 Pool 91.08
20  - Peppermints 90.84
21  - Bra 90.78
22  - Excellent Kangaroos 90.76
23  - Timewasters 90.70
24  - Gatlanders 90.50
25  - Naweek Lyfie 90.47
26  - Sharks Sports Masters League 90.45
27  - Dylan's Edinburgh Rugby 90.26
28  - My Pool 90.13
29  - Unilever Old Boys 90.10
30  - fgrieve 90.00
31  - SKONKIES Yellow Cap Prize Pool 89.97
32  - Noddy's Numpties 2021 89.92
33  - VLAKTE & AMIGO's 89.87
34  - Tzoei 89.83
35  - No Nonsense Rugby 89.82
36  - InItForTheLuck 89.76
37  - Treadrite Pro14 89.67
38  - Kon Tiki Goes Celtic 89.64
39  - The Vine Ones 89.64
40  - Monumental Hyenas 89.63
41  - Tigers Unoffy 89.57
42  - Hollybush Celts 89.50
43  - Effervescent Herrings 89.45
44  - Brilliant Champs 89.45
45  - Thistle Duckers Pro 14 89.40
46  - Go Pro Cheetahs 89.38
47  - Plodders Pro 14 Rugby 2020-21 89.29
48  - The Replacements PRO14 89.25
49  - Ahafo Dop & Tjops 89.17
50  - FTAS Pro14 (20-21) 89.09
51  - Celtic Comrades (mostly!) 89.08
52  - Carefree Meerkats 89.06
53  - Passionate Leopards 88.95
54  - Celtic Warriors Plus 88.94
55  - Ospreylia 88.94
56  - Leinster lads and lasses 88.90
57  - CAT LOVERS 88.89
58  - 4 Fun 88.89
59  - Mega Turbos 88.79
60  - Roadblock's Sports Club 88.78
61  - Village Idiots! 88.70
62  - Sportmal 88.60
63  - The Darkside 88.59
64  - Pro 14 in 20 88.50
65  - MGM PRO 14 88.50
66  - Queens Radiator Clinic 88.37
67  - DC universe 88.33
68  - Guess what's back :-) 88.30
69  - Elite Provinces 88.25
70  - Thrown In The Deep End 88.18
71  - Bar flies United 88.14
72  - Looks at the Scoreboard 88.12
73  - Brilliant Cobras 88.07
74  - The ABC 88.00
75  - Social Sports Club 87.91
76  - Planete Rugby 87.89
77  - Afrika Sonsak 87.87
78  - Bobbies 87.85
79  - Barney's Pro14 87.83
80  - Informa 87.80
-  - Sports Lovers Club 87.80
82  - Sundowners Pro14 rugby 87.79
83  - Players on the Bench 87.69
84  - Mclean Spar Pro 14 87.69
85  - COOLPOOL 87.68
86  - Clueless PRO14 87.65
87  - Dewie se club 87.65
88  - DRC Top 14 87.63
89  - White Line Fever 87.62
90  - Wolf's Choice 87.59
91  - Uncle Jumbo's 87.53
92  - Keen Sardines 87.47
93  - Flems 87.47
94  - Sheepish About PRO14 87.42
95  - Knows his picks 87.42
96  - Tussen 13 en 15 Pro's 87.39
97  - The Raven 87.27
98  - Heimat Pro14 87.16
99  - Pyp our Hero 87.03
100  - MMWC 86.98